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    (Name (ML)     Phone     Department
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Autry, Jason  AUTRY, Jason (0007)   (513)556-6255   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Brawn, Debbie  BRAWN, Debbie (0007)   (513)556-6226   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Cullen, Victoria  CULLEN, Victoria (0007)   (513)556-7662   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Heatley, Eric  HEATLEY, Eric (0007)   (513)556-6288   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Hyest, Jenny  HYEST, Jenny (0007)   (513)556-1003   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Jacobo, Jose  JACOBO, Jose (0007)   (513)556-3619   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Jung, Zach  JUNG, Zach (0007)   (513)556-5924   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Key, Kyle  KEY, Kyle (0007)   (513)556-6213   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Kowalczyk, Vikki  KOWALCZYK, Vikki (0007)   (513)556-7518   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Mcdonald, Michele  MCDONALD, Michele (0007)   (513)556-6254   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Menser, Whitney  MENSER, Whitney (0007)   (513)556-6254   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Obregon, Shawna  OBREGON, Shawna (0007)   (513)556-6254   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Szigety, Christina  SZIGETY, Christina (0007)   (513)556-3215   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Van Hemert, Jivanto  VAN HEMERT, Jivanto (0180)   (513)556-5956   Office of the University Ombud
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Webber, Ashley  WEBBER, Ashley (0007)   (513)556-1065   University Honors Program
Click here for a Business Card   Send Email To: Yee, Tricia  YEE, Tricia (0007)   (513)556-6236   University Honors Program