Listing |
Phone |
A&S, Academic Services |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Advising, Undergraduate Affairs and |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Africana Studies |
513-556-0350 |
A&S, Anthropology |
513-556-2772 |
A&S, Anthropology, Graduate Student Room |
513-556-2779 |
A&S, Arabic Language & Culture |
513-556-0139 |
A&S, Archaeology (Anthropology) |
513-556-2772 |
A&S, Asian Studies |
513-556-2730 |
A&S, Associate Dean |
513-556-5870 |
A&S, Astronomy |
513-556-0501 |
A&S, Astrophysics |
513-556-0501 |
A&S, Biological Sciences |
513-556-9700 |
A&S, Business Office |
513-556-5855 |
A&S, CEDAR Language Resource Center |
513-556-1975 |
A&S, Center for Exploratory Studies |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Chemistry |
513-556-9200 |
A&S, Chemistry Stock Room |
513-556-9321 |
A&S, Cincinnati Center for Field Studies |
513-556-9733 |
A&S, Classics, Archaeology |
513-556-3050 |
A&S, College of Arts and Sciences |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Communication |
513-556-4440 |
A&S, Dean |
513-556-5858 |
A&S, Dean, Associate |
513-556-5870 |
A&S, English |
513-556-5924 |
A&S, English Composition |
513-556-5924 |
A&S, English Creative Writing Program |
513-556-5924 |
A&S, Environmental Studies |
513-556-9707 |
A&S, European Studies |
513-556-2716 |
A&S, French |
513-556-1950 |
A&S, Friends of Women |
513-556-6653 |
A&S, Gender Studies |
513-556-6776 |
A&S, Geography |
513-556-3421 |
A&S, Geology |
513-556-3732 |
A&S, German Studies |
513-556-2752 |
A&S, Graduate Assistant Office, English |
513-556-3913 |
A&S, Graduate Studies, English |
513-556-3906 |
A&S, Greenhouse, Biology |
513-556-9770 |
A&S, Help Desk |
513-556-2011 |
A&S, Herbarium (Biology) |
513-556-9700 |
A&S, Heritage Studies |
513-556-2772 |
A&S, History |
513-556-2144 |
A&S, Information |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Information Technology Services |
513-556-2011 |
A&S, Interdisciplinary Studies |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, International Affairs |
513-556-3300 |
A&S, International Human Rights |
513-556-3300 |
A&S, Internships and Service Learning |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Italian |
513-556-1950 |
A&S, Japanese Language & Culture |
513-556-2747 |
A&S, Journalism |
513-556-0788 |
A&S, Judaic Studies |
513-556-2297 |
A&S, Kunz Center for Social Research |
513-556-4700 |
A&S, Make Your Own Major |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Marketing & Communications |
513-556-5087 |
A&S, Mass Spectrometry Facility (CHEM) |
513-556-1574 |
A&S, Mathematical Sciences |
513-556-4054 |
A&S, Max Kade German Cultural Center |
513-556-2730 |
A&S, Middle Eastern Studies |
513-556-1100 |
A&S, Neff Scholarship |
513-556-5870 |
A&S, Neuroscience |
513-556-9749 |
A&S, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility |
513-556-9211 |
A&S, Online Transfer Complete Degree |
513-556-5860 |
A&S, Philosophy |
513-556-6324 |
A&S, Physics |
513-556-0501 |
A&S, Political Science |
513-556-3300 |
A&S, Psychology |
513-556-5580 |
A&S, Publications & Web Sites |
513-556-5087 |
A&S, Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures (RALL) |
513-556-1950 |
A&S, Scholarships, Neff |
513-556-5870 |
A&S, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies |
513-556-4440 |
A&S, School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) |
513-556-3300 |
A&S, Sexuality Studies |
513-556-6776 |
A&S, Sociology |
513-556-4700 |
A&S, Spanish |
513-556-1950 |
A&S, Statistics Studies |
513-556-4054 |
A&S, Taft Faculty Executive Board (Charles Phelps Taft Research Center)(A&S) |
513-556-0675 |
A&S, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies |
513-556-6776 |
A&S, X-Ray Crystallography, Richard C. Elder |
513-556-9226 |
AACRC (African American Cultural & Resource Center) |
513-556-1177 |
AAUP (American Association of University Professors) |
513-556-6861 |
Academic Affairs & Provost, Executive Vice President for |
513-556-2588 |
Academic Affairs (CCM) |
513-556-9470 |
Academic Affairs (CLER) |
513-558-8230 |
Academic Affairs (LAW) |
513-556-5126 |
Academic Affairs (UCBA) |
513-558-9582 |
Academic Affairs, Assoc. Dean for (LAW) |
513-556-0105 |
Academic Calendar (Registrar)(Enrollment Services) |
513-556-1000 |
Academic Coaching |
513-556-3244 |
Academic Excellence & Support Services (AESS) |
513-556-3244 |
Academic Health Center, Bookstore |
513-558-4093 |
Academic Health Center, Faculty Affairs (MED) |
513-558-6132 |
Academic Internship Program (College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies) |
513-556-0352 |
Academic Services (A&S) |
513-556-5860 |
Academic Success & Bar Passage (LAW) |
513-556-6874 |
Academic Technologies & Educ Resources, Ctr for (CoN) |
513-558-5205 |
Academic Writing Center |
513-556-3244 |
Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning, The (AFTL) |
513-556-2588 |
Accelerated Pathway Program (CoN) |
513-558-5224 |
Access Control (Public Safety) |
513-556-4925 |
Accessibility Resources (UCBA) |
513-558-9414 |
Accessibility Resources (Uptown Campus) TTY |
513-556-6283 |
Accessibility Resources, Student Affairs |
513-556-6823 |
Accessibility Resources, Student Affairs (CLER) |
513-558-9983 |
Accessibility Resources, Student Affairs (UCBA) |
513-792-8625 |
Accommodations, Employee (Human Resources) |
513-558-7122 |
Accomodated Testing |
513-556-7173 |
Accounting (LCB) |
513-556-7040 |
Accounting, Sponsored Research Services |
513-556-4817 |
Accounts Payable, Direct Payments |
513-556-6746 |
Accounts Payable, EForm Payments |
513-556-6746 |
Accounts Payable, Non-PO Payments |
513-556-6746 |
Accounts Payable, Travel Processing |
513-556-6746 |
Accounts Receivable (Finance) |
513-556-4513 |
Accreditation, Higher Learning Commission/North Central Assoc |
513-556-2588 |
Acquisitions, Law Library |
513-556-0156 |
Action Research (CECH) |
513-556-5108 |
ADA, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access |
513-556-5503 |
Adaptive Technologies, Langsam Library |
513-556-1888 |
Addiction Sciences Division (ASD)(Psychiatry)(MED) |
513-585-8293 |
Addictions Studies (CECH) |
513-556-9199 |
Administration & Finance, Business Affairs |
513-556-6040 |
Administration & Finance, Chief Investment Officer |
513-558-5403 |
Administration & Finance, Contract Compliance |
513-556-2366 |
Administration & Finance, Division of |
513-556-2413 |
Administration & Finance, Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) |
513-556-4968 |
Administration & Finance, Investments |
513-558-5403 |
Administration & Finance, Purchasing |
513-556-6742 |
Administration & Finance, Sr. Vice President for |
513-556-2413 |
Administration & Finance, Vice President for Finance |
513-556-1299 |
Administrators, Managers & Professionals, UC Assoc. of (UCAAMP) |
513-556-1267 |
Admissions (CLER) |
513-558-8316 |
Admissions (Enrollment Mgmt) |
513-556-1100 |
Admissions (MED) |
513-558-7314 |
Admissions (PHARM) |
513-558-3784 |
Admissions (UCBA) |
513-558-9998 |
Admissions and Student Services (CCM) |
513-556-9479 |
Admissions, Application |
513-556-1100 |
Admissions, International (Enrollment Mgmt) |
513-556-1100 |
Admissions/Financial Aid (LAW) |
513-556-0078 |
Advanced Medical Imaging Technology (CAHS) |
513-558-7497 |
Advanced Studies, ETD Helpdesk (GRADUATE COLLEGE) |
513-556-1496 |
Advancement and Transition Services (ATS)(CECH) |
513-556-3600 |
Advertising, Marketing + (Marketing +Communications) |
513-556-6549 |
Advising (A&S) |
513-556-5860 |
Advising (A&S)(Exploratory/Undeclared/Undecided Majors) |
513-556-5860 |
Advising (CAHS) |
513-558-8556 |
Advising (CCM) |
513-556-9473 |
Advising (CECH) |
513-556-2336 |
Advising (Center for Exploratory Studies)(A&S) |
513-556-5860 |
Advising (CLER) |
513-558-8317 |
Advising (CoN) |
513-558-3600 |
Advising (DAAP) |
513-556-1376 |
Advising (PHARM) |
513-558-3784 |
Advising (UCBA) |
513-558-9442 |
Advising Center, Pre-Professional (PPAC) (Enrollment Mgmt) |
513-556-2166 |
Advising, Athletics |
513-556-3388 |
Advising, Graduate (LCB) |
513-556-7020 |
Advising, Pathways Advising & Student Success, Center for |
513-556-9000 |
Advising, Transfer & Transition Advising Center |
513-556-9000 |
Advising, Undergrad (CEAS) |
513-556-1391 |
Advising, Undergraduate (LCB) |
513-556-7030 |
Aerosol Studies, Center for Health Related (Environ Hlth) |
513-558-0504 |
Aerospace Engineering (CEAS) |
513-556-3548 |
Aerospace Studies (ROTC) |
513-556-2237 |
AESS (Academic Excellence & Support Services) |
513-556-3244 |
AESS, Cincinnati Pride Grant (CPG) |
513-556-2505 |
AESS, Veterans Programs and Services, Office of |
513-556-6811 |
Affirmative Action, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access |
513-556-5503 |
African & African American Studies (A&S) |
513-556-0350 |
African American Cultural & Resource Center (AACRC) |
513-556-1177 |
Africana Studies (A&S) |
513-556-0350 |
AFTL, Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning, The |
513-556-2588 |
Aging Program, Cognitive (Psychiatry)(MED) |
513-558-2455 |
AHC, Facilities Scheduling |
513-558-4186 |
AHEC (Area Health Education Center) |
937-378-4171 |
Air Force (ROTC) |
513-556-2237 |
Alarms, Fire (Public Safety) |
513-556-4925 |
Albino Gorno Memorial Music Library |
513-556-1970 |
Allergy and Rheumatology, Immunology (Internal Med) |
513-558-5526 |
Allied Health Program (UCBA) |
513-558-7928 |
Allied Health Sciences, College of (See CAHS) |
513-558-7495 |
Alumni & Development (DAAP) |
513-556-1211 |
Alumni (CEAS) |
513-556-4469 |
Alumni (CLER) |
513-558-9964 |
Alumni (LAW) |
513-556-0244 |
Alumni (LCB) |
513-556-6397 |
Alumni (MED) |
513-556-6781 |
Alumni (PHARM) |
513-558-3784 |
Alumni (UCBA) |
513-558-8337 |
Alumni Affairs |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Affairs (CoN) |
513-556-6466 |
Alumni Affairs, Alumni Groups |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Affairs, Homecoming |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Affairs, Merchandise |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Affairs, New Grads |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Affairs, Perks and Discounts |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Affairs, Student Alumni Council |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Affairs, Young Professionals |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Center |
513-556-4344 |
Alumni Center (Toll Free) |
877-482-2586 |
Alumni Groups, Alumni Affairs |
513-556-4344 |
Alzheimers & Cognitive Impairment (Neurology)(MED) |
513-558-0119 |
Ambulance, Emergency |
- 1-1911 |
American Association of University Professors (AAUP) |
513-556-6861 |
Anatomic Pathology (MED) |
513-584-7284 |
Anesthesiology (MED) |
513-558-4194 |
Anesthesiology, Research (MED) |
513-558-2427 |
Anesthesiology, Residency Training (MED) |
513-558-6356 |
Animal Care & Use Committee, Institutional (IACUC) |
513-558-5103 |
Animal Medical Services, Laboratory (LAMS)(Research Ofc) |
513-558-5171 |
Annie Laws (CECH) |
513-556-4307 |
Annual Enrollment |
513-556-6382 |
Annual Enrollment, Human Resources |
513-556-6382 |
Anonymous Reporting Hotline (Internal Audit)(Toll Free Number) |
800-889-1547 |
Anthropology (A&S) |
513-556-2772 |
Anthropology, Graduate Student Room (A&S) |
513-556-2779 |
Anxiety Disorders Research Program (Psychiatry)(MED) |
513-558-4422 |
AnyConnect (VPN)(DTS) |
513-556-4357 |
Apartments, Houses for Rent |
513-556-0682 |
Apheresis, Hoxworth |
513-558-1200 |
Apple Computers, Bookstore |
513-556-1286 |
Apple Discounts, Bookstore |
513-556-1286 |
Application, Admissions |
513-556-1100 |
Applied Science Summer Camp, Men in Engineering and (CEAS) |
513-556-5417 |
Applied Science Summer Camp, Women in Engineering and (CEAS) |
513-556-5417 |
Applied Science, Engineering and, College of |
513-556-5417 |
Appointment Center, Hoxworth |
513-451-0910 |
Aquatic Center (Recreation Center) |
513-556-0604 |
Aquatic Complex |
513-556-0604 |
Arabic Language & Culture (A&S) |
513-556-0139 |
Arabic Languages and Literatures, Romance and (A&S) (RALL) |
513-556-1950 |
Aramark (Univ Dining Svcs) |
513-556-4108 |
Aramark, Fifth Third Arena |
513-556-6100 |
Archaeology (Anthropology)(A&S) |
513-556-2772 |
Archaeology, Classics (A&S) |
513-556-3050 |
Architect (Planning + Design + Construction) |
513-556-1933 |
Architecture & Interior Design, School of (SAID)(DAAP) |
513-556-6426 |
Archives & Rare Books (Library) |
513-556-1959 |
Archives, Law Library |
513-556-0165 |
Area Health Education Center (AHEC) |
937-378-4171 |
Arlitt Child Development Center (CECH) |
513-556-3802 |
Army (ROTC) |
513-556-3660 |
Aronoff Cafe, DAAP |
513-556-1517 |
Art & Visual Communication (UCBA) |
513-558-9466 |
Art Education (DAAP) |
513-556-2962 |
Art Gallery, Reed (DAAP) |
513-556-2839 |
Art History (DAAP) |
513-556-2962 |
Art Services (Marketing + Communications) |
513-556-5223 |
Art Supplies, DAAP |
513-556-4672 |
Art, School of (DAAP) |
513-556-2962 |
Arts Administration (CCM) |
513-556-4383 |
Arts and Sciences, College of (A&S) |
513-556-5860 |
ASD (Addiction Sciences Division)(MED) |
513-585-8293 |
Asian Studies (A&S) |
513-556-2730 |
ASIT Help Desk (A&S) |
513-556-2011 |
Assessment and Continuous Improvement, Office Of (CECH) |
513-556-0297 |
Asset Management |
513-556-3152 |
Assistance Program, Faculty & Staff (EAP) |
800-227-6007 |
Assoc of Administrators, Managers & Professionals, UC (UCAAMP) |
513-556-1267 |
Associate Dean (A&S) |
513-556-5870 |
Association of University Professors, American (AAUP) |
513-556-6861 |
Astronomy (A&S) |
513-556-0501 |
Astrophysics (A&S) |
513-556-0501 |
Athletic Training Education (CAHS) |
513-558-7503 |
Athletics (Information) |
513-556-4603 |
Athletics, Aramark, Fifth Third Arena |
513-556-6100 |
Athletics, Baseball |
513-556-0571 |
Athletics, Baseball Camp |
513-556-1538 |
Athletics, Basketball (Men |
513-556-0697 |
Athletics, Basketball (Women's) |
513-556-2255 |
Athletics, Basketball Camp (Men) |
513-556-0697 |
Athletics, Basketball Camp (Women) |
513-556-2255 |
Athletics, Business Office |
513-556-7117 |
Athletics, Cheerleading |
513-556-3463 |
Athletics, Clermont College |
513-558-1559 |
Athletics, Communications |
513-556-5191 |
Athletics, Compliance & Student Services |
513-556-0558 |
Athletics, Cross Country (Men's) |
513-556-0562 |
Athletics, Cross Country (Women's) |
513-556-1507 |
Athletics, Dance Team |
513-556-8050 |
Athletics, Development |
513-556-4884 |
Athletics, Director |
513-556-4603 |
Athletics, Diving & Swimming |
513-556-0598 |
Athletics, Equipment Room |
513-556-2151 |
Athletics, Facilities & Operations |
513-556-2141 |
Athletics, Football |
513-556-8494 |
Athletics, Football Camp |
513-556-4110 |
Athletics, Golf (Men) |
513-378-7889 |
Athletics, Golf (Women) |
513-556-4653 |
Athletics, Imaging Center, Varsity Village |
513-556-4674 |
Athletics, Lacrosse (Women's) |
513-556-6042 |
Athletics, Lacrosse Camp |
513-556-6042 |
Athletics, Major Gifts |
513-556-0668 |
Athletics, Marketing & Promotions |
513-556-0838 |
Athletics, Mascot Appearances |
513-556-1081 |
Athletics, Media Communications |
513-556-5191 |
Athletics, News Media & Video Production |
513-556-1275 |
Athletics, NovaCare Rehabilitation |
513-556-3178 |
Athletics, Operations, Facilities & |
513-556-2141 |
Athletics, Publicity |
513-556-5191 |
Athletics, Radiology Center |
513-556-4674 |
Athletics, Soccer (Women's) |
513-556-0567 |
Athletics, Soccer Camp (Women) |
513-556-0567 |
Athletics, Sports Communications |
513-556-5191 |
Athletics, Sports Medicine |
513-556-4352 |
Athletics, Strength & Conditioning |
513-556-0551 |
Athletics, Student Athlete Support Services (SASS) |
513-556-3388 |
Athletics, Swimming & Diving |
513-556-0598 |
Athletics, Tennis |
513-556-3396 |
Athletics, Tennis Camp |
513-556-3396 |
Athletics, Tickets |
513-556-2287 |
Athletics, Tickets (Toll Free Number)(888-CATS-TIX) |
888-228-7849 |
Athletics, Track (Women's) |
513-556-1507 |
Athletics, Track and Field |
513-556-0562 |
Athletics, Track Camp |
513-556-0562 |
Athletics, Training Room |
513-556-4352 |
Athletics, UCATS |
513-556-4884 |
Athletics, Video Production, News Media & |
513-556-1275 |
Athletics, Volleyball |
513-556-0569 |
Athletics, Volleyball Camp |
513-556-0569 |
ATS (Advancement and Transition Services)(CECH) |
513-556-3600 |
Attorney for University of Cincinnati |
513-556-3483 |
Audio/Visual Services, Health Sciences Library |
513-558-4173 |
Audiology (CAHS) |
513-558-8501 |
Audit, Internal |
513-556-4310 |
Auditing, Anonymous Reporting Hotline (Internal Audit)(Toll Free Number) |
800-889-1547 |
Autonomous Systems Lab (CEAS) |
513-556-5271 |
Aviation (CLER)(Ext. 352) |
513-735-9100 |