Listing |
Phone |
E-Mail, Faculty/Staff (DTS) |
513-556-4357 |
E-Mail, Students (DTS) |
513-556-4357 |
EAP (Employee Assistance Plan, Impact Solutions) |
800-227-6007 |
Ear, Nose, & Throat (ENT)(MED) |
513-558-4152 |
Early Childhood Education & Human Development (CECH) |
513-556-6308 |
Early Childhood Learning Community (Birth to Age 5) (CECH) |
888-325-2669 |
Early Learning Center, UC (UC Child Care Center) |
513-961-2825 |
East European Studies (A&S) |
513-556-2752 |
ECE, Electrical & Computer Engineering (CEAS) |
513-556-2988 |
Economics (LCB) |
513-556-2600 |
Economics Center (CECH) |
513-556-2948 |
Economics, Business and (UCBA) |
513-558-9483 |
ECSI (Educational Computer Services, Inc.)(Bursar) |
513-556-1000 |
ECSS (Electronic Classroom Support Services)(DTS) |
513-556-1977 |
513-556-6932 |
Editorial Services (Marketing + Communications) |
513-556-5223 |
Education and Resource Center (ERC)(Environmental & Public Health Sciences) |
513-558-5710 |
Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, College of (See CECH) |
513-556-4307 |
Education, Hoxworth |
513-558-1276 |
Education, Surgery (MED) |
513-558-4206 |
Educational Computer Services, Inc. (ECSI)(Bursar) |
513-556-1000 |
Educational Leadership (CECH) |
513-556-3600 |
Educational Studies (CECH) |
513-556-3599 |
Educational Talent Search (CLER) |
513-558-7432 |
Educational Technology & Instructional Support, Center for (CETIS)(CAHS) |
513-558-3716 |
EForm Payments (Accounts Payable) |
513-556-6746 |
EGMT, Environmental Genetics and Molecular Toxicology Division |
513-558-1877 |
EHS (Environmental Health & Safety) |
513-556-4968 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)(CEAS) |
513-556-2988 |
Electronic Classroom Support Services (ECSS)(DTS) |
513-556-1977 |
Electronic Dissertation Help (ETD Helpdesk)(GRADUATE COLLEGE) |
513-556-1496 |
Electronic Media Communications (UCBA) |
513-558-9583 |
Electronic Research Administration, Sponsored Research Services |
513-556-5969 |
Electronic Resources, Langsam Library |
513-556-1424 |
Electronic Thesis, Dissertation Help (ETD Helpdesk) |
513-556-1496 |
Electronics, Bookstore |
513-556-1286 |
Elliston Poetry Room, Langsam Library |
513-556-1570 |
ELS (English Language Services)(CECH) |
513-556-3590 |
Emergency - Police, Fire, Ambulance |
911 |
Emergency Medicine, Department of (MED) |
513-558-5281 |
Emergency Room, University Hospital |
513-688-5656 |
Emergency Services (Public Safety) |
513-556-1111 |
Emergency Text Messages (Rave)(Public Safety) |
513-556-4900 |
Emergency Text Messaging, Faculty/Staff (Nixle) |
513-556-4357 |
Emergency Text Messaging, Students (Nixle) |
513-556-4357 |
Emerging Engineers (CEAS) |
513-556-1283 |
Emeriti Association |
513-556-2588 |
Employee & Labor Relations (Human Resources) |
513-556-6372 |
Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) |
800-227-6007 |
Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)(Impact Solutions) |
800-227-6007 |
Employee Benefits (Human Resources) |
513-558-6382 |
Employee Discounts |
513-558-6382 |
Employee Discounts (Human Resources) |
513-558-6382 |
Employee Self-Service (ESS)(Human Resources) |
513-556-6381 |
Employee Services |
513-556-6381 |
Employee Training (Human Resources) |
513-558-4772 |
Employee Wellness (Human Resources) |
513-556-0116 |
Employee Workplace Accommodations (Human Resources) |
513-558-7122 |
Employees, University |
513-556-6381 |
Employer Engagement (College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies) |
513-556-0381 |
Employment (Classified) |
513-558-9675 |
Employment (Unclassified) |
513-558-9675 |
Employment Services, Career & (CLER) |
513-558-0008 |
Employment Verification (Human Resources) |
800-996-7566 |
Employment, Student (College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies) |
513-556-0381 |
Employment, Student (Human Resources) |
513-558-9675 |
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Internal Med) |
513-558-4444 |
Endovascular Surgery (Neurosurgery)(MED) |
513-558-0434 |
Endpoint Management (DTS) |
513-556-4357 |
Engineering & Applied Science (CEAS), Library |
513-556-1550 |
Engineering & Computing Education, Department of (CEAS) |
513-556-0129 |
Engineering Mechanics (CEAS) |
513-556-3548 |
Engineers, Emerging (CEAS) |
513-556-1283 |
English & Communication (UCBA) |
513-558-9472 |
English (A&S) |
513-556-5924 |
English as a Second Language, Center for (CESL)(CECH) |
513-556-3590 |
English Composition (A&S) |
513-556-5924 |
English Graduate Assistant Office (A&S) |
513-556-3913 |
English Language Services (CECH) |
513-556-3590 |
English, Creative Writing Program (A&S) |
513-556-5924 |
English, Graduate Studies (A&S) |
513-556-3906 |
English, Languages & Fine Arts Division (CLER) |
513-558-8205 |
Enhancement of Teaching & Learning, The Ctr for (CET&L) |
513-556-9319 |
Enrollment Management |
513-556-1439 |
Enrollment Management (CECH)(Toll Free) |
888-325-2669 |
Enrollment Mgmt, Admissions |
513-556-1100 |
Enrollment Mgmt, Credit Evaluation |
513-556-1000 |
Enrollment Mgmt, Enrollment Services |
513-556-1000 |
Enrollment Mgmt, Financial Aid |
513-556-1000 |
Enrollment Mgmt, Placement Testing |
513-556-2486 |
Enrollment Mgmt, Student Orientation |
513-556-2486 |
Enrollment Services (Enrollment Mgmt) |
513-556-1000 |
Enrollment Verification (Registrar)(Enrollment Services) |
513-556-1000 |
Ensembles & Conducting (CCM) |
513-556-2696 |
ENT, Otolaryngology (MED) |
513-558-4152 |
Enterprise Risk Management |
513-558-5042 |
Entrepreneurship & Community Development Clinic (LAW) |
513-556-4361 |
Entrepreneurship Center (LCB) |
513-556-5846 |
Entrepreneurship Educ & Commercialization, Ctr for (LCB) |
513-556-5846 |
Environmental & Industrial Hygiene, Environmental & Public Health Sciences |
513-558-2809 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics |
513-558-5701 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Business Office (MED) |
513-558-6236 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Education and Resource Center (ERC) |
513-558-5710 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Environmental & Industrial Hygiene |
513-558-2809 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Fernald Medical Monitoring Program |
513-558-0487 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Genomics, Epigenomics and Sequencing Core |
513-558-4764 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Graduate Studies |
513-558-5704 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Occupational & Environmental Medicine |
513-558-5704 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Office of the Chair |
513-558-5701 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences, Public Health Sciences |
513-558-5704 |
Environmental & Public Health Sciences. Epidemiology |
513-558-5704 |
Environmental Engineering (CEAS)(BCEE) |
513-556-4171 |
Environmental Genetics and Molecular Toxicology Division (EGMT) |
513-558-1877 |
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) |
513-556-4968 |
Environmental Health Foundation |
513-558-1234 |
Environmental Health, Center for Environmental Genetics (CEG) |
513-558-3646 |
Environmental Health, Center for Health Related Aerosol Studies |
513-558-0504 |
Environmental Health, Statistical Genomics and Systems Biology |
513-558-8564 |
Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CEAS) (BCEE) |
513-556-4171 |
Environmental Studies (A&S) |
513-556-9707 |
Epidemiology, Environmental & Public Health Sciences |
513-558-5704 |
Epilepsy (Neurology)(MED) |
513-558-7964 |
Epilepsy Fellowship (Neurology)(MED) |
513-558-7964 |
EPS (Ethnic Programs & Services) |
513-556-6008 |
Equal Opportunity and Access, Office of |
513-556-5503 |
Equipment Room, Athletics |
513-556-2151 |
Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact, Office of |
513-556-8463 |
Equity, Inclusion and Community Impact |
513-556-8463 |
ERC (Education and Resource Center)(Environmental & Public Health Sciences) |
513-558-5710 |
ESL (English as a Second Language, Center for CESL)(CECH) |
513-556-3590 |
ESS (Employee Self-Service)(Human Resources) |
513-556-6381 |
Estate Gifts, UC Foundation |
513-556-6781 |
513-556-1496 |
Ethics & Compliance Reporting Hotline (Internal Audit)(Toll Free Number) |
800-889-1547 |
Ethics, Security and, Research |
513-556-5501 |
Ethnic Programs & Services (EPS) |
513-556-6008 |
European Studies (A&S) |
513-556-2716 |
Evaluation Services Center (CECH) |
513-556-3818 |
Event Services, Conference & (Campus Svcs) |
513-558-1810 |
Event Space Reservations (Conference & Event Services) |
513-558-1810 |
Events |
513-556-6000 |
Events (UCBA) |
513-558-7703 |
EverFi Prevention Training |
513-556-6124 |
Exam Grading (DTS) |
513-556-1655 |
Exchange Programs |
513-556-4278 |
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost |
513-556-2588 |
Exploratory Studies, Center for (A&S) |
513-556-5860 |
Explore the University (Marketing + Communications) |
513-556-5224 |
Export Controls, Research |
513-558-1128 |
ExpressMart (TUC) |
513-556-1289 |